Friday, 29 April 2016

PlanetBase plan Aftermath

So, my plan went far beyond what I had expected. I was able to not kill any of my colony members, and increased the population to 15 people! I was able to build my solar-panel, my power processor, water processor, water tank, a colony ship landing base, a lab, a mine, a oxygen generator, a canteen and a airlock! I am self-sustaining a decent colony base for me, and my colony.
This is how my colony has changed. It was a small change to my base, but it has helped my colony very much that I can actually keep a living colony.
This screenshot shows the water tank, the canteen, my mine and my recycled colony ship. My colony is expanding very well. It has surpassed my expectations of how far, and how well I would have done.
 In this screenshot I was trying to build my Bio-Dome, but I didn't have the required  materials at the moment, but then I changed up my base a bit and now I have a Bio-Dome. I am very pleased with my base and with how far I have gone.

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